
Holgate Local Schools

Tiger Pride. Always!

Empowering each other, upholding traditions, and inspiring excellence.

Registration Forms/Letters

Below are the documents needed for enrollment at Holgate Elementary School.
Please complete the following documents:
(complete front and Ethnicity located on back side of sheet)
(Please complete the front of the survey.)
(front and back) Please return completed form, front and back.
(Return this completed document if you wish to receive Power Announcer phone calls/emails/texts about school delays, cancelations, and other events.)
(If student has had a physical within the last 12 months, a copy of the physical will be accepted.)
In addition the office will need the following documents to copy and be kept on file:
  • Student's Certified Birth Certificate
  • Student's Immunization record
  • Legal Custody/Guardianship Documents (if applicable)
  • Proof of residency in the Holgate Local School District (utility bill)
  • Student's last grade card from previous school

Staff/Parent Documents

Ohio State Standards

English-Language Arts (ELA)